Lauren Cifuentes explains how Web 2.0 can save the world. With this term she means that the current young and children can learn the importance of becoming ethical people and with professionalism they can save the future world. Cifuentes believes that teachers and students can mutually learn to be people with strong ethics, concern with poverty, collaborating in causes to help other countries, and understanding the importance of balance in the government. After all of the information is conveyed both ways, the most important is to know how to collaborate and share the information through the web like in facebook, twitter, and delicious. Communication tools are imperative and take a huge role in Web 2.0, because that us the best and fastest way to get to more students than just a classroom. The student’s responsibility is to go to other students and communicate the importance of ethics.
How does language enter in the plan of saving the world?
Language takes a role in the plan of saving the world because in Web 2.0 there are sites that support the importance of learning more than one language. Language is a big issue now a day and it has been since diversity existed. Tolerance is a huge problem in this world, and if teachers are able to teach students the importance of diversity and accepting other language, we can have a world without wars and hate. On the other hand, if the teachers themselves don’t believe in the importance of diversity then there is no way for them to teach the importance of diversity. This job of saving the world with Web 2.0 is not simple, we need to start from the roots meaning that we need to teach teachers and then teachers need to teach students and the students can communicate to their friends.
How is involving students going to change their perspective of life?
Involving children in projects such as aiding people on poverty will let them know the need that many people are into and that way they will want to do something when they grow up. Additionally, as part of Web 2.0’s plan, students need to be taught the important of balance in the government and the distribution of money in the world. With projects like this, children will understand that the distribution of power is imperative and when vote time comes they will make the right election. Also, if many students are taught about the importance of ethics, when they stand in the white house with a high position, they will make the right decision thinking of other people.
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